星期日, 12月 23, 2012


本人並不反對使用 Echolink.
但是 Echolink 的某一方,將通信接上repeater,問題就立刻出現
1. Repeater:
2. Licensing:
Repeater通訊等同Local(本地)通訊, 閣下的牌照可否在本/當地使用?
以下的問題,在使用 Echolink之 前/中/後, 應該時常地,不斷地,在綫或自問
1. 為何要使用這平台
2. 自已的呼號可否在當地使用, 如要申請,有何手續, 通聯之前,offline尋找答案
3. 對方有否接上Repeater
4. Repeater的使用頻率,知道後立刻比對自己的可用頻譜,如果超出自己可用頻譜,在通聯中應立刻終止對話, 未通聯就保持冷靜地離開
Subject: Re Re: Question regarding Ham operation
From: Alan.McLean@ic.gc.ca
To: valensc@yahoo.com
CC: Spectrum.Amateur@ic.gc.ca

Valens Chu, VE3XRE
Markham, ON

Mr. Chu,
Thank you for your query regarding the operation of Amateur Radio stations within Canada, by operators possessing Amateur Radio operator certificates issued by other administrations, the remote operation of Canadian Amateur Stations by foreign Amateurs from locations outside of Canada and the policies governing the assignment of Two-Letter Amateur Radio Call Signs in Canada.

The operation of foreign Amateur Radio stations within Canada, may be authorized on a short-term basis.
Amateur Radio operators wishing to obtain authority to operate their stations while visiting Canada, must either obtain the appropriate international permit under CEPT, IARP through their home administration or submit a written request to Industry Canada for temporary operating authority.

Amateur Radio operators, visiting from Hong Kong or China, must submit a request.
The request should specify the area(s) of operation, the anticipated duration of the visit and must include a copy of the operator's Amateur Radio certificate issued by their administration.

Foreign Amateur Radio stations, approved for temporary operation in Canada may operate within the frequency bands set out in Schedules I, II and III of Industry Canada document, RBR-4, (available at our website, http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf01226.html , and subject to any restrictions imposed by their operator's certificate.

The document "T/R 61-01" , applies only to countries who have signed or chosen to participate in the CEPT licensing initiative.

The remote operation of Canadian Amateur radio stations by foreign Amateur Radio operators from locations outside of Canada is subject to the rules and regulations governing the Canadian Amateur Radio Service, policies imposed by the home administration of the foreign station and/the country from which control is being established from. Controlling operators shall be Identified both, by means of the call sign, issued by their administration, and the call sign associated with the operations of the Canadian station being controlled.All communications shall be by means of the English or French language and may not include the use of any secret code or cipher.

I trust that this has provided an answer to your query.

Alan McLean
Spectrum Management Officer
Agent, Gestion du spectre

Spectrum Management Operations Branch
Direction générale des opérations de la gestion du spectre

Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector
Secteur du Spectre, des technologies de l'information et des télécommunications

Industry Canada
Industrie Canada

2 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie ON P6A 1Y3
2, rue Queen Est, Sault Ste Marie ON P6A 1Y3


這是個具爭議性和複雜的話題,情況有些同phone patch相似,不論是phone patch或是echo link也好,都是利用技術把兩個綱絡互聯。主要問題在於on air 時相方是否合法? 互聯是否合法? 可以用一些實例會比較容易明白。

香港 VR2 牌照 可以在 430至431Mhz和435至440Mhz操作而深圳 HAM可以在 430 至 440Mhz操作。
香港 HAM 跑到深圳用 VR2 Callsign 作QSO是否合法呢?
答案這是否定的,因為牌照只容許 VR2 Callsign 在香港區內操作。

香港 HAM在香港用 433Mhz uplink 上深圳在438Mhz (-5Mhz) 的中繼作QSO是否合法呢?
答案這是否定的,因為牌照不容許在香港區內操作(發射) 433Mhz。

香港HAM用電話或互聯綱遙控在香港home base的收發機, 用438Mhz直頻在深圳中繼的downlink作QSO是否合法呢?

香港HAM用電話或互聯綱遙控深圳HAM的收發機, 用433Mhz uplink上深圳的中繼作QSO是否合法呢?





這些是爭議性的討論。我想帶出的一個現在加拿大HAM有可能違規的陷阱。全程在互聯網,3G或電話(在電話供應商服務條款準許下)做EchoLink通訊,是沒有違規。但如果加拿大HAM利用手持電台/流動電台/基地電台直頻或經中繼站再經互聯網到香港,這樣他們便違當地規例了。因為他們在當地發射通訊是應該用英語(English)或法語(French) 的。但他們是用粵語!這個違規是很明顯的。


1/ 在EchoLink上最好不用"Cantonese Only",免被別人有誤會歧視,後來改了"Cantonese Preferred".

2/ 細讀電訊規例準許的通訊語言,是English (或其它語言) 或是"plain language". 如果是English便要用英語了。如果是plain language便可以用任何一種語言,那加拿大HAM可以在EchoLink用中文通訊了。後來他也回答“中文也可以” 。看來他給我的回覆是不對的。

建議香港的HAM也應該看看電訊規例的準許通訊語言是English (or other language) 或是"plain language",以免違規(不是違法)。

LDK你有冇玩過 outband? 答有定冇。唔好阿支阿左呀哪。



CHing,俺提出的疑問/建議儂木有給意見就揭俺的瘡疤唄!儂替俺看看香港的電訊規例的准許通訊語言是English, Chinese, plain language還是...... 可以嗎?俺唔想係in band用錯通訊語言。謝謝。


Please note that this so-called supporting material has nothing to do with digital linking operation like IRLP and/or Echolink. To see why, let's list what the 3 things this letter covers:

(1) Operation of Amateur Radio stations within Canada, by operators possessing Amateur Radio operator certificates issued by other administrations

(2) Remote operation of Canadian Amateur Stations by foreign Amateurs from locations outside of Canada

(3) The policies governing the assignment of Two-Letter Amateur Radio Call Signs in Canada

Exhibit below illustrates items (1) and (3):
Yada, yada, yada... These 6 paragraphs address __ABSOLUTELY NOTHING__ about digital linking licensing condition and/or its operating guideline. They only tell of those basic terms of operating authorization governed by an international permit. Granted, the term "temporary operation in Canada", is referred to as the operation in which the person is present within the territory of the commonwealth.

To be very specific, the temporary operating permits are only granted to those foreign nationals whose countries have chosen to participate the CEPT licensing initiative. In addition, one may or maynot be getting an operating permit, even he/she applies.

What does this mumble jumble have to do with digital linking?(End of Part I of II)

(Part II of II)

Exhibit below illustrates item (2):
Now put your reading glasses on if you cannot read. It won't surprise me that you cannot understand the essence of this paragraph.

Remote operation herein refers to operating a Canadian Amateur radio station remotely by foreign Amateur Radio operators from locations outside of Canada. Excuse me, here Mr. Alan McLean is talking about remote base station, or remote controlling a station, but not digital links in which a pathway for voice or data is created.

In case you don't understand what a remote base station is, a remote base station is a station controlled by radio, like DTMF or Telecommand. It resembles a repeater with additional features that is installed at a remote location. A remote base station is a type of station where the primary control point is not at the current station location. To operate a remote base, you "remote control" it.

So what is your point here quoting remote base station operating guideline as a reference for digital linking operations? What are you trying to imply?
During remote base operation, a person (call sign A) remote controls a stations (call sign B). The person (call sign A) is the controlling operator who must identify both (call sign A and call sign B). Again, this is written very clearly that nothing herein has anything to do with digital linking.

Don't you think by just throwing a bunch of English words at people and expect that you can fool any of us! The subject matters in which the letter indicates are regarding to issuance of temporary operating permits and remote base operating guidelines by foreign nationals who want to carry out amateur radio activities within the boundary of the commonwealth. As a result, what is your point using this TRASH to support your opinion on Echolink or other digital linking operation?

What is your hidden agenda?

(End of Part II of II)






俺在貼子#7的第二段“.............但他們是用'粤語'...............” 的用辭“粵語” 有些誤導。跟“language” 的意思是有沖突。

俺在貼子#7的第二段的意思應該是“如果加拿大HAM利用手持電台/流動電台/基地電台直頻或經中繼站再經互聯網到香港,這樣他們便違當地規例。”............ 違規的理由是:

1/ 當地發射通訊的准許語言是英語或法語;但他們用了准許語言以外的語言。

如果准許語言是“plain language” 的話,他們用“粵語” 也是違規。

“中文” 語言(language)只得一種,就是“普通話” ,其它如“京話” ,“上海話” ,“廣州話”........ 都是“方言” (dialect),不是“中文” 語言。





Please answer the following questions

1. What's Hong Kong Ham's VHF frequency range?

2. What's Hong Hong Ham's UHF frequency range?

How stupid?

You don't answer questions with a couple of moronic questions. You cannot dance around your liability on having to explain yourselves by asking two stupidly obvious questions to get to your point.

You are supposed to explain why you are posting trash here in the first place. Are you trying to deceive people?

Answer these questions (per my response to your so-called 重點 email) and explain your intention!

What does reciprocal license application have to do with digital linking?

What is your point quoting remote base station operating guideline as a reference for digital linking operations?

What are you trying to imply?

What is your point using this TRASH to support your opinion on Echolink or other digital linking operation?

What is your hidden agenda?
Until you can answer these question, I'll tell you what the V/U band plan is in Hong Kong. By the way, anyone can Google that so your question is pointless. Perhaps you should answer that yourselves.
A question is a question. You don't answer mine why should I answer yours? Who is stupid here? You are!!
這是爭議性的討論的原因喺因為有D類似VE3XRE一樣嘅毫無信用嘅滋事者,喺一知半解,個人原因,同冇憑冇據之下做謠生事,趁虛而入製做假象嚇人而已。點解VE3XRE要禁做?看官門要問問拒至知道啦。看官門更要問問VE3XRE嘅喺,拒憑邊條法律條文去解釋EchoLink, IRLP, 同其他internet repeater linking嘅非法性。淨喺憑拒個人意見?雖然,道不同不相為謀,我明白每一個人都有自己嘅意見,但係VE3XRE又擺出一D似是而非嘅所謂重點文章來製做假象,但係,經點出又堅決唔去解釋重點文章中嘅漏洞同重點性,究竟居心何再?看官門就算冇玩internet linking,又有冇覺得整件事好似冇中生有?我個人洞察到此人跟此事有極不沈常之背後動機,道義上懇請hkcq.net辦事人對此人此事作出子細的背景調查同行動,企令hkcq.net能保持一貫中立無偏之政策,服務大眾。