星期一, 1月 24, 2011
Treasure Island
Treasure Island
Treasure Island
(Kar) The story was about Jim Hawkins who helped his mother to run the Admiral Benbow Inn. One morning, he met the stranger, Billy Bones, who was an old sea captain. His life has changed since then.
Billy often peered at the sea with a telescope on the cliffs during his stay in the Inn. On that day, He was frightened to see Black Dog, who sailed with a pirate named Captain Flint. Several days later, Billy was shocked after he read the message, and said the pirates would come that night. Falling to the floor, he died.
Jim and his mother found papers and a bag of gold in Billy’s chest. In the meantime, they heard someone outside the door. They decided to take the money and papers running out. Jim took the papers to the Hall and showed Squire Trelawny. Dr. Livesey, who was Squire Trelawny’s friend, opened the packet of papers; he found a map that it showed where Flint’s treasure was buried. Squire Trelawny had an idea that they would find the treasure with Jim.
A month later, they hired a ship called the Hispaniola to start on their planning. On the ship, Jim met the ship’s cook, Long John Silver, who had only one leg. On the other hand, he was worried that the Captain Smollett of the Hispaniola thought the whole crew looked tricky. But it was not time enough for Squire Trelawny to find another crew instead.
One night, Jim overheard Long John whispering to a young sailor that he was Captain Flint’s second in command and asked him to john their pirates. He added they would kill the captain and his friends when they had the treasure. Jim told everyone, who was in the Captain’s Cabin, what he had heard.
On Treasure Island, Jim saw Long John to kill the sailor since he did not join their pirates. He was afraid and ran into the forest. He met Ben, who had been left there by his pirate friends. Meanwhile, Dr. Livesey was looking for Jim. They stayed in a fort. Jim told about Long John to the Squire. Next early morning, Long John came and asked them to give him the treasure map. They did not and fought the pirates. Finally, they defeated them.
Dr. Livesey took the map to find Ben. Jim wanted to help. Walking along the beach, he found a boat Ben had made. He tried to paddle it to the Hispaniola. He was less easy to down onto the deck. He saw Israel Hands who was John’s friend. He pretended helping Jim to sail the ship to the Island. But as they were nearby a bay, Hands hit Jim with a dagger. Jim screamed out, both pistols went off. Hands shouted and dropped into the sea.
When Jim came back to the fort to find his friends, there was only Long John and pirates. However, it was excited for Jim to see Dr. Livesey next morning. It was because he had agreed to care for the wounded pirates. Soon, they set off to find the treasure with Jim. But they found it had been taken. The pirates were very angry and drew their guns to Long John and Jam’s friends. They fought. Eventually, Long John and Jim’s friends escaped.
During the boat started to Ben’s cave, Dr. Livesey explained that he had wanted to distract the pirates, so he tricked Long John with the map. Furthermore, he knew Ben had found the treasure. Arriving at the cave, Jim was very happy to see the Squire and Captain Smollett. There were a lot of coins, gold bars and jewels. Finally, Jim returned to Bristol docks with his share of the gold.
星期五, 1月 21, 2011
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